Welcome to the Wiki site for English Curriculum and Pedagogy Assessment Item 1. This is a collaborative assessment of digital literacy
Assessment details for all students
Assessment item 1—Explaining your approach to an
aspect of literacy
Weighting: 40%
Length: N/A 1
Through the completion of this assignment students will:
Understand an aspect of literacy in great depth
Examine an approach to teaching that aspect
Provide a sustained oral presentation about this aspect of English instruction
Engage with Essential Learnings in English to identify where instruction in this aspect of literacy
Determine a range of teaching strategies that will contribute to effective instruction
Assessment task
This task is an opportunity for you to develop a depth of understanding in a particular area of literacy
teaching. A choice of topics for this task will be made available by your lecturer/tutor. These may
include aspects of visual literacy, digital literacy or mulliteracies).
Investigation of the topic can be carried out using a range of sources of information, including networks
with Learning Managers. A range of modes for presentation of this information is also possible. This
task will enable you to develop in-depth knowledge of an area of literacy, and will assist you to develop
your knowledge before the final task for this course, the unit plan.
You will work in a small group for this task, and will be assessed as a group for the task. Your group
must develop a tutorial presentation that will address:
(1) defining the aspect of literacy
(2) a theoretical perspective on the aspect of literacy
(3) researchers and educators who have contributed understandings of this aspect of literacy
(4) an approach to teaching this aspect of literacy
(5) teaching strategies that would be employed in this approach
(6) resources that might be used during classroom instruction
(7) how instruction in this aspect of literacy addresses English Essential Learnings
- organise into groups (size of groups may vary slightly according to the size of the cohort)
- your group will be allocated a topic by your lecturer/tutor (allocation ensures that important
aspects of the course are delivered)
- begin your investigation by consulting your course textbook (Literacy Labyrinth), the textbook
Literacy: Reading, Writing and Children’s Literature, and the readings suggested in your study
- identify further information resources including online materials
- identify main points of information
- devise a tutorial presentation (up to 30 minutes in length) that addresses all aspects of the task
(1-7 above), and engages and instructs other students
You will be allocated up to 15 minutes of tutorial time for the presentation. You should ensure that
presentation involves all members of your group.